For all new business enquiries please contact;
Raj Rooprai
M: 075 3868 7745
studio ROOPRAI
architecture & urbanism
To achieve our goals the studio stimulate a culture of collaboration. All projects begin with a discussion with the client to understand the requirements, we listen to consultants and specialists to understand the constraints and use the information with lateral thinking and positivity to ensures that difficulties are acknowledged as opportunities.

Raj Rooprai is the creative strategic leader of Studio Rooprai, an architectural and urban design studio who are avid about producing and delivering enhanced places to live and work through innovative built forms. The Studio works at different scales to establish unique holistic vision - from an individual object; piece of architecture; a local community; city to a regional vision.
I have a broad range of architectural and urban design experience, having delivered projects of all scales and in many sectors including, residential, commercial, retail, leisure, industrial, transport and cultural.
Consultancy Appointments
Raj has been selected to be a member of the following design review panels​
St Albans District Council: 2019 - Present
Essex County Council: 2019 - Present
London Borough of Worthworth: 2019 - Present
London Borough of Enfield: 2018 - Present
London Borough of Southwark 2017-2019
Qatar Public Realm, Doha, Qatar: 2013-2015
Academic Appointments
Raj has been appointed as a Postgraduate Tutor in Urban Design at University College London, Bartlett School of the Built Environment: 2019 to Present
Raj has the following qualifications, which together have honed his design and management skills, and comprehension of the built environment:​
Masters Degree in Urban Design (MA:UD)
Post Graduate Diploma in Architecture (Dip Arch)
Bachelors of Arts Degree in Architecture (BA Hons)​
Certified Green Professional: Qatar Sustainability Assessment System (CGP:QSAS)
Professional Memberships
Raj is a active member of a number of built environment organisations.
Executive Board member of the Urban Design Group
Urban Design Group: Recognised Practitioner in Urban Design (RP:UD):
Member of the Academy of Urbanism (AoU)
Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute & Chartered Town Planner (MRTPI)

Discover: Involves speaking to and spending time with people who are affected by the issues.
Define: The insight gathered from the discovery phase helps to define the challenge.
Develop: Seeking inspiration from elsewhere and co-designing with a range of different people.
Deliver: Testing out different solutions at small-scale, rejecting those that will not work and improving the ones that will. Delivering the most empathetic design